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제목 남권희 교수 / 고려시대 간행의 수진본 小字 총지진언집 연구 작성일 2017-10-19
작성자 관리자 조회 724

南權熙. (2017). 고려시대 간행의 수진본 小字 총지진언집 연구. 서지학연구, 71, 323-363.



이 연구는 고려시대에 목판으로 간행된 小字折帖 袖珍本 다라니에 대하여 시대별로 형태서지적인 관점에서 그 특징을 살펴본 것이다. 이미 통일신라때부터 다라니의 기능이 탑이나 불상에 납입할 목적으로 만들어졌기 때문에 다른 단행의 불교문헌이나 대장경보다 훨씬 더 이른 시기부터 제작 유통되었다. 또 다라니가 가진 신통력에 의하여 시대에 따라 선정을 얻고자 하거나 국가나 가문, 개인의 안녕을 기원하는 차원에서 수지독송의 기본 자료로 사용되었다.

그 본문의 표기문자도 실담자(나가리, 데바나가리), 한문, 한자음의 차용되어 呪文과 부적, 도상 등의 형식으로 나타나지만 14세기 후반에 들어서면 짧은 경전도 다라니와 함께 포함되어 小字의 절첩본으로 같이 유통되는 경향을 보인다. 출판인쇄사의 측면에서 볼 때 작은 형태로 휴대할 수 있으면서도 현세의 기복적인 목적을 지닌 다라니경도 대장경이나 교장과 더불어 불교자료 발전의 한 축을 이루었다.


This paper had couducted research on Julchup Dharani Sutras written in small letters and produced following results.

First, Dharani Sutras in 11th century found in Andong, Bogwangsa’s Buddha statue is consisted of two each papers. These papers does not belog to certain form of books and they are similar to Kimwanseop’s private collection and Okura’s private collection, which belongs to Tyoko National Museum.

Second, Dharani Sutras in 12th century were mainly found in Vairocana buddha staute. Each Dharani Sutras in 1156 and 1159 consisted of 47 papers were carved by ‘Jonsim’ and ‘Onpyung’ and Beomseochongjijip which is similar to these Dharani Sutras published by monk Jawha in Bupsusa were also found. In addition, 1150’s Beomseochongjijip was produced, edited, and published in Gwangjepo, Pyeongyang by Sawon.

Third, like the Beomseochongjijip published by Choieui wirtten mainly in Siddhamatrka, the reflection of Kibock Sinang made Dharani Sutras for personal prosperity became popular during the Military Regime in 13th century. Also, bulseo-M?r?c?-Dharani Sutra published in 1216, which is a kind of Dankyung includes Byunsangwha of M?r?c?.

Fourth, Beomseochongjijip published in 14th century before the production of Gwonjabon and Julcheopbon includes several Dharani Sutras in one page like Beomseochongjijip found in Amitabha statue in 1302. Buljeongsimin-Dharani Sutra in 1306 was found in metal chest armor assumed to be produced for the protection of one’s body by the holy spirit of the Dharani Sutra. Also, there are M?r?c?-Dharani Sutra and Buddhist spells in Handbook edition of Buddhist book which includes many Buddhist articles like Vajracchedika prajnaparamita Sutra produced and published by Angeukin and Mokam Chaewon in 1370.

Fifth, the unprecedented Jeta-Dharani Sutra published in 1375 was written by Parkmyeon, donated by Gakin, Kimsahang, Parksungryang and Parkwonkyung, and carved by Leeinyeol and KImsehoon. This Dharani Sutra includes Prajnaparamita-hridaya Sutra, Charms of non-Birth Vinaya Sudra written by Jigong and M?r?c?-Dharani Sutra. Furthermore, most of the Dharani Sutra is written in Siddhamatrka Naagarii, however this Jeta-Dharani Sutra is written in Siddhamatrka Deva-Naagarii mostly and Sasipeibosu-Mantra is written down in Naagarii partly. Additionally, Parkmyeon had written down this Dharani Sutra in both Sanskrit and Chinese for readers.

Besides, Buddhist books like Dharani Sutra’s features had moved forward partly to Joseon period from Buljeongsimin-Dharani to 18th century’s Saganpan edition Jeta-Dharani Sutra in Haeinsa.

Even though ths paper performed general research on wood-printed Dharani Sutras in Goryeo period for the most part, Buddhist books like Beomseochongjijip were published in handwritten form, also diagrammed Dharani Sutras and Mantras were published widely in both handwritten and woodblock form from Joseon to Goryeo period. Later researches would analyze these Buddhist books, Dharani Sutras and Mantras on the perspective of bibliography, as well as Buddhist study.


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